As your CRP Treasurer, I will continue to implement a modern small-donor program to help us compete in today’s political landscape in California. It has been said many times that money is the mother’s milk of politics. Small-donor contributions are the most nutritious kind of political milk. Unlike mega-donor contributions, small-dollar contributions can be used any time for voter registration, for federal candidate support, and for any political purpose whatsoever. Federal election laws place severe restrictions on corporate and mega-donor dollars- not so with the small donations from individual supporters. The other fantastic thing about small-donors is that they equate to voters. When we have individuals committing to donating even in the smallest of amounts, we can be confident that we can turn them out to vote for our Republican candidates. We already have the technology set up to attract regular small-donor contributions through our web site which is accessible through both desktop computers and via our smart phones. What we need now is the leadership and the commitment. As your CRP Treasurer, you can count on me to engage grass roots donors.
As a member of our CRP Board of Directors, I have served actively on our engagement subcommittee as well as our election integrity subcommittee.
Going into the Presidential Primary season, we how have a huge opportunity to re-register voters as Republican so that they can participate in choosing our next Republican President!